Innovation & Systems

Our Innovation & Systems department handles the technical facilities to enable astronomical research. Innovation & Systems is making discoveries in Radio Astronomy possible.

You will work with approximately 60 highly trained professionals in Innovation & Systems. You will work on different technical challenges in one of the following competence groups:

Your work focuses on the (further) development of innovative instruments for the current telescopes. Besides your work focuses on the development of new technologies for future research facilities.

In a careful managed process Innovation & Systems develops an idea into a concept.  After this the elaboration of the concept into a prototype or instrument takes place. External parties (e.g. national and international universities and companies) are often invited to collaborate in this process.

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Upcoming vacancies

SDC Software Engineer

For our ongoing Science Data Centre (SDC) development, we are seeking a software engineer to strengthen Team Rainbow, one of our highly esteemed scrum teams. At the SDC, we strive to maximize the scientific impact of our world-leading instrumentation portfolio.

LOFAR Software Engineer

For the continuous development of our LOFAR telescope, we are looking for a software engineer to strengthen one of our SCRUM teams.

Word from a staff member
Jurjen Sluman
Before I came to work at ASTRON, I had a job at a high-quality technology company. After that I wanted to work in a similar and challenging work environment. So I ended up at ASTRON.
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