Operations & maintenance


The observers are part of the Astronomy & Operations (A&O) group. They are responsible for everything concerning our telescopes. They are responsible for the observations with the Westerbork Synthese Radio Telescope (WSRT) and the LOFAR (Low Frequency Array) telescope.

Observers prepare observations and track the progress of the observations in the control room. After an observation the observers report on what happened during the observation. They also check what is important for the success of an observation.

Observing programs are defined and developed in close cooperation with (international) astronomers. In case of emergencies the observers will intervene and/or ask for support from other disciplines within A&O, such as hardware/software/network support.


Maintenance handles the available radio telescopes operational. At this moment we are maintaining our Westerbork Radio Synthese Telescope. The telescope consists of 14 dish telescopes, spread over a (base) line of 3 km from east to west.

We have specialised maintenance in the following areas:

  • Mechanics
  • Electronics
  • Cryogenically as a high-frequency technique

The specialised maintenance can be on a regular, but in case of failure we rely on our specialists.

Another telescope of ours is LOFAR (Low Frequency Array). LOFAR consists of about 50 stations, distributed over Western Europe. The core of LOFAR consists of 24 stations near Exloo and 14 stations divided over the Northern part of The Netherlands.

These stations contain two types of not moving antennas. The signals that we receive with these antennas are made into electronic signals by means of digital signal processing. Therefore we don’t need expensive mechanical dishes anymore. The maintenance of our LOFAR telescope takes place in the field of electronics, network and ICT. The group also maintains stations located abroad.

During the so-called maintenance days, and in case of malfunctions, we work together and the observers coordinate the course of the process.

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Upcoming vacancies

Systems Engineer

We are continuously developing new, cutting-edge instruments for radio astronomy and are working on major upgrades of our current telescopes. As a Systems Engineer, you will oversee the instrument development process.

SDC Software Engineer

For our ongoing Science Data Centre (SDC) development, we are seeking a software engineer to strengthen Team Rainbow, one of our highly esteemed scrum teams. At the SDC, we strive to maximize the scientific impact of our world-leading instrumentation portfolio.

LOFAR Software Engineer

For the continuous development of our LOFAR telescope, we are looking for a software engineer to strengthen one of our SCRUM teams.

Bell Burnell Fellow

Bell Burnell Fellow will represent and reflect all of ASTRON’s foundational values as it continues its 75 year leadership in radio astronomy discovery and innovation. The fellowship provides an outstanding opportunity for a scientist to pursue innovative research and development in an institute that spans the entire spectrum of radio astronomy expertise – from development, to operation, to science frontiers. 

Word from a staff member
Bram Veenboer
PhD researcher
After studying computer science I wanted to continue in the direction of my master: High Performance Computing. Besided, I wanted to get my doctorate, so I ended up at ASTRON. At ASTRON there was a nice position available within the Dome project.
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