Innovation & Systems

Our Innovation & Systems department handles the technical facilities to enable astronomical research. Innovation & Systems is making discoveries in Radio Astronomy possible.

You will work with approximately 60 highly trained professionals in Innovation & Systems. You will work on different technical challenges in one of the following competence groups:

Your work focuses on the (further) development of innovative instruments for the current telescopes. Besides your work focuses on the development of new technologies for future research facilities.

In a careful managed process Innovation & Systems develops an idea into a concept.  After this the elaboration of the concept into a prototype or instrument takes place. External parties (e.g. national and international universities and companies) are often invited to collaborate in this process.

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Upcoming vacancies

Systems Engineer

We are continuously developing new, cutting-edge instruments for radio astronomy and are working on major upgrades of our current telescopes. As a Systems Engineer, you will oversee the instrument development process.

SDC Software Engineer

For our ongoing Science Data Centre (SDC) development, we are seeking a software engineer to strengthen Team Rainbow, one of our highly esteemed scrum teams. At the SDC, we strive to maximize the scientific impact of our world-leading instrumentation portfolio.

LOFAR Software Engineer

For the continuous development of our LOFAR telescope, we are looking for a software engineer to strengthen one of our SCRUM teams.

Bell Burnell Fellow

Bell Burnell Fellow will represent and reflect all of ASTRON’s foundational values as it continues its 75 year leadership in radio astronomy discovery and innovation. The fellowship provides an outstanding opportunity for a scientist to pursue innovative research and development in an institute that spans the entire spectrum of radio astronomy expertise – from development, to operation, to science frontiers. 

Word from a staff member
Boudewijn Hut
Junior commissioning engineer
During my graduation project for the study of astronomy, I had my first encounter with ASTRON. At that time I got the chance to make an interesting thesis I seized the opportunity immediately! After my studies I started to work at ASTRON.
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