Finance, planning and control

The department Finance, Planning & Control (FP&C) handles the financial administration, purchases and the planning and control of the organisation.  The department includes the employees of Finance, Purchasing and Planning Control.

Finance staff take care of the complete financial administration of ASTRON. This includes budgets and financial statements. They also give advise about financial issues. Besides they perform services for other institutes.

The employees of purchasing handle our orders. In addition, they have an advisory and supporting role in quotation processes and (European) tenders.

Planning and Control support project managers in the field of the program / project management. They do this by offering, implementing, maintaining and, if necessary or required, the improvement of the processes that are necessary for this purpose. These include the project budgets, funding requirements and accounting, project accounting and project reporting.

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Word from a staff member
Marco Drost
Head Operations & Maintenance
The choice to work at ASTRON was one I could make immediate. I wanted to enjoy working in a high tech environment, but also have the opportunity to keep developing myself. The beautiful surroundings in which ASTRON is located, the Dwingelderveld, made my decision very easy.
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