Job Offer

Thank you for submitting your application!

Your information has been successfully received.

Expect a follow-up email from us soon regarding the next steps in the hiring process.
We appreciate your interest and look forward to potentially working together!

Bedankt voor het indienen van uw sollicitatie!

Uw informatie is succesvol ontvangen.

Verwacht binnenkort een vervolgmail van ons met betrekking tot de volgende stappen in het sollicitatieproces.
We waarderen uw interesse en kijken ernaar uit om mogelijk samen te werken!


It seems there was an issue processing your application.

We apologize for the inconvenience.
Please try submitting your application again later. For further assistance, please send us a message at

Thank you for your understanding.


Er lijkt een probleem te zijn bij het verwerken van uw sollicitatie.

Onze excuses voor het ongemak.
Probeer alstublieft later opnieuw uw sollicitatie in te dienen. Voor verdere hulp kunt u ons een bericht sturen op

Dank u voor uw begrip.


Upcoming vacancies

Systems Engineer

We are continuously developing new, cutting-edge instruments for radio astronomy and are working on major upgrades of our current telescopes. As a Systems Engineer, you will oversee the instrument development process.

SDC Software Engineer

For our ongoing Science Data Centre (SDC) development, we are seeking a software engineer to strengthen Team Rainbow, one of our highly esteemed scrum teams. At the SDC, we strive to maximize the scientific impact of our world-leading instrumentation portfolio.

LOFAR Software Engineer

For the continuous development of our LOFAR telescope, we are looking for a software engineer to strengthen one of our SCRUM teams.

Word from a staff member
Boudewijn Hut
Junior commissioning engineer
During my graduation project for the study of astronomy, I had my first encounter with ASTRON. At that time I got the chance to make an interesting thesis I seized the opportunity immediately! After my studies I started to work at ASTRON.
Read more

