During my graduation project for the study of astronomy, I had my first encounter with ASTRON. At that time I got the chance to make an interesting thesis I seized the opportunity immediately! After my studies I started to work at ASTRON.
I chose ASTRON partly because it is a knowledge institute. There is also an open atmosphere which appeals to me. I find an open atmosphere important in my work and I think it works pleasant. I can do a lot with my passion in instrumentation for astronomy. At ASTRON I can work on unique radio telescopes. Telescopes that you find all over the world. I find it very inspiring to work all together on our mission; 'Making Discoveries in Radio Astronomy Happen'.
I currently work on the commissioning of APERTIF. This is an upgrade of the WSRT (Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope). It's up to me to carry out measurements and tests to show whether (sub) systems function properly. Because we continuously improve the test system, I can perform better measurements every day. The results are then discussed in a multidisciplinary team. I really like the measurements and the search for improvements and / or solutions with colleagues. For me ASTRON is a "fun place to be.